Do It Yourself Rehearsals
Due to the miracles of technology we can now remotely give you access to the studio, buzz you into the front door, turn on the lights and heat/AC, and see you on security cameras to ensure you are all set to have a painless rehearsal in a great fully equipped studio. Here are just a few reminders for doing self-service DIY rehearsals at The Boom Room:
The PA system turns on/off with just one switch… look for the “Turn PA On/Off” sign on the front of the mixer cart (please turn it off when you leave)
The vocal mics are color coded to indicate which channel it is in the mixer.
Spare cables are on the wall racks in the back of the room above the black couches (Please reel them up and hang them after your rehearsal)
An 1/8th inch AUX input cable, an iPhone headphone/lightning adapter, and phone chargers are hanging to the LEFT of the mixer cart. The AUX plays out of 15/16 channel in the mixer (PLEASE MUTE THE CHANNELS BEFORE UNPLUGGING!!!!)
Please recycle your bottles and cans and throw away any trash.
Turn off all equipment and lights when leaving
Did you schedule a recorded rehearsal? Somebody from our team will be upstairs in the control room pressing record and recording your rehearsal from our room microphones…we will send you the recording within 24 hours.
TEXT a team member anytime if you have any questions and someone will call you back:
(Phone service is spotty on our lower level…come upstairs to call us)
Gary (studio owner) – 215-910-9614
Eric (studio engineer) – 847-322-4907
Wifi: U:BoomRoomGuest P:letitgrow
Deposit cash payments in the metal box mounted to the wall upstairs outside of the bathroom. Write your name, date, and cash amount on envelope. Envelopes and pen are in the box.
Credit/debit/PayPal/Venmo/Cash App Payment info HERE